5th Jun 2016: Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust , Pithapuram has organised rally in Hyderabad on the ocassion of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY. [Not a valid template]
Chalivendram (Water Kiosk) at various places in Hyderabad and Gampalagudem by UARDT
Chalivendram (Water Kiosk) have been inaugurated at various places in Hyderabad. [Not a valid template] UARDT chalivendram service at Jeedimetla Bus Depot bus stand on Sunday 20-03-2016, by GHMC Corporator Smt.sri Devagari Shanthi Sri, Devender Reddy (130 division Constituency, Quthubullapur, Ranga Reddy dist.) [Not a valid template] UARDT chalivendram service at IDA Jeedimetla, Subash Nagar […]
World Environment Day Rally – Hyderabad
Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust has organised World Environment Day Rally at KBR Park, Jubillee Hills, Hyderabad on 5th June 2015 Media Coverage ETV Photo Gallery
Chalivendram at Jeedimetla , Hyderabad
[Not a valid template] Hon’ble Sri KP Vivekananda , MLA , Quthbullapur, inaugurating Chalivendram ( water kiosk ) at Jeedimetla Bus stop, Hyderabad on 28-3-2015, present Depot Manager, TSRTC, Jeedimetla and trust volunteers.
Chalivendram at BHEL , Hyderabad
Dr Umar Alisha has inaugurated Chalivendram ( water kiosk ) at BHEL, Busstop, Hyderabad on 22-3-2015