
Sri Viswa Viznana Vidya Aadhyatmika Peetham is a Theosophical Congregation, a symbol of communal harmony. It is a great School of Spiritual education which teaches Brahma Vidya (Supreme Education). This Divine Institution has been endeavoring to transform humanity into divinity. This Peetham promotes economic independence, peace, communal harmony and social service as the basis for spiritual practice and self-realization. Spirituality is related to self-introspection, self-analysis, self-development and self-transformation into Cosmic Form.

The spiritual practice does not belong to any particular religion but verily belongs to man and his behavior vis-à-vis the co-beings and Nature. Truth is more sublime than the above religious concepts. The Peetham promotes harmony with surroundings. The harmony brings peace and which is essential for our country’s prosperity during the present turbulent time. The philosophy of this Peetham take its roots in the principle of “Oneness of God”, propagates spiritual knowledge, which is acceptable to all religions.

The present and 9th Head of this Peetham Dr Umar Alisha has established Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust (UARDT) in the year 2000. UARDT is a secular organization dedicated to change the lives of people of rural areas. Its main focus is on basic necessities like education, health, women empowerment and environment.

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