Charity Promo Women and Child Welfare Women Empowerment March 12, 2025March 12, 2025mainjournalCharity activities at Tuni28th Anniversary Spiritual Meeting held at Tuni on 3rd March 2025, during this event UARDT has organized various charity activities including books donation, sewing machine donation and bird feeder distribution. [Show slideshow]1 2 ►
Women and Child Welfare Women Empowerment March 11, 2025March 11, 2025mainjournalUARDT-Women’s Day on 9th March 2025
Charity Promo Women and Child Welfare Women Empowerment February 17, 2025February 24, 2025mainjournalCharity, women welfare and environment services on 11-Feb-2025 at Pithapuram
Charity Conservation of the Environment Women and Child Welfare January 8, 2025January 8, 2025mainjournalDistributed grain sticks for birds and donated sewing machine on 1-Jan-2025