Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust launched a two-day Swachh Bharat programme at the Andhra Medical College (AMC) on Friday 14th August 2015. 25 Volunteers of the Trust have participated to clean up the campus, cleared the weeds for the plantation programme, digged out the weed and the waste from drains and initiated replantation programme in […]
UARDT has launched tree plantation at AU ( Andhra University) campus
11-Jul-2015: Andhra University Vice-Chancellor G.S.N. Raju has launched the tree plantation taken up by Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust (UARDT.ORG) via project in the university campus. Addressing the gathering after launching the tree plantation, Prof. Raju said,last year Hudhud cyclone created a heavy damage to the greenery in theuniversity and the authorities concerned have […]
Plants, school bags and scholarships donated by UARDT on the occasion of Guru Pournami
On the occasion of Guru Pournami, Dr.Umar Alisha, chairman of UARDT has donated 150 plants, 125 school bags and offered scholarship to a school student via UARDT on 31-Jul-2015 at Sri Viswa Viznana Vidhya Aadhyatmika peetham new ashram premises, pithapuram. [Not a valid template]
Dr. Umar Alisha in National Movement
News Clip in Andhra Prabha on 21st June 2015
Dr Umar Alisha distributing saplings at Pithapuram
Dr Umar Alisha distributing saplings . He appealed to the members of the Peetham to plant saplings during this season and help in protecting environment. He also said that saplings would be distributed free to all the members on every Thursday.
Press coverage of World Environment Day Rallies 2015
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World Environment Day Rally – Attili ( West Godavari )
World Environment Day rally at Attili on 5th June 2015 Mandal Mpp K.Satyanarayana,Divisal – Bheemaraju have led the rally. Press coverage [Not a valid template]
World Environment Day – Pithapuram
Sri Karanam Chinna Rao, Pithapuram Municipal Chairman,flagging off the rally World Environment Day celebrated at Pithapuram on 5th June 2015. Sri Karanam Chinna Rao, Municipal Chairman, Pithapuram flagged off the rally and also planted a sapling. Photo Gallery Invalid Displayed Gallery Press Coverage [Not a valid template]
World Environment Day Rally – Ballipadu ( West Godavari )
5th Jun 2015- World Environmental day rally at Ballipadu. President Akula -Venkataramana ,Nadadeep school principal has flagged off the rally.
Make Vizag Green – News coverage in ETV Andhra Pradesh 19-Apr-2015
‘Make Vizag Green’ – Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust Spreading Awareness about the Importance Of Growing trees, news coverage in ETV Andhra Pradesh. Click here to watch video